COVID-19 Protocol

It has been a very long quarantine, and we are so excited to finally reopen the doors of our practice for you! We have missed you, and missed doing what we love!

Over the last several weeks, we have been designing and implementing plans to reopen while maximizing the safety of our staff and patients – factoring in those most vulnerable. We have invested an enormous amount of thought, time, and resources into doing things right, without compromising the quality of care our patients know and love.

When you return, you will notice physical plant upgrades (plexiglass barriers, temperature scanners, advanced PPE, social distancing office flow, and more).

Below are outlined some of the steps we will be taking, and asking you to take, at each visit until this pandemic has ebbed. Please familiarize yourself with them so you will know what to expect when we welcome you back!

Thank you for your patience and your trust in us, as we navigate this new COVID-19 pandemic together!

Dr. Khrom and the Staff.

Making appointments

The best, fastest, and easiest way to schedule, move, or cancel appointments is to call or text (718) 615-4002. You can also email


  • Please stay at home for 2 weeks if you are not feeling well. We will gladly reschedule your visit.
  • Please wear your own mask or face covering to the office, and cover both your mouth and nose at all times unless instructed otherwise by our staff. Our staff is exposed, close up, to multiple patients per day. Strictly limiting their mask-free interaction time helps minimize their risk. Our staff and their families are very grateful for your understanding.
  • If you are unable to wear a mask covering both your mouth and nose, we welcome you back when the pandemic has ebbed and face coverings are no longer necessary for close face-to-face interactions.
  • To check-in upon arrival, text, or call our main phone number: (718) 615-4002. Please mention your name and which provider you are seeing today.
  • Our waiting room is temporarily out of service. Please wait in your car or outside, and we will text you when your treatment room is ready.
  • We are strictly limiting building occupancy – no guests or children are allowed.
  • When you come in, we will ask you a few preliminary questions, take your temperature, and instruct you to sanitize your hands.
  • The COVID-19 liability release must be signed at each visit.
  • Please bring your own pen to sign credit card receipts.
  • Please avoid talking when your mask is off for treatment.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule your visit for any reason.

In General

  • We are scheduling fewer patients per hour to minimize hallway traffic and allow time for enhanced disinfection between patients.
  • To maximize appointment availability and minimize face-to-face time for safety, we ask that you limit social conversation with your provider.
  • To minimize foot traffic, maximize appointment availability for everyone, and minimize the potential for COVID contamination, all filler syringes are now “single visit use only.” Without exception, we will no longer be saving fillers or offering any touch-up visits. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Certain procedures that present an increased risk to our staff, such as facials, subcision, CO2 laser, lip fillers, will require pre-procedure testing.
  • We are doing our best to accommodate missed appointments from during the lockdown. Please be patient with us, as we get our new schedule flowing.
  • We also have many new and exciting technologies to share with you guys so please stay tuned!

Thank you again for your patience and understanding while we strive to deliver exceptional service and maintain safety for you and our staff!
